Authored by Dr. Boss


Full Publications Listing

Mortimer, J. A., Ebbitt. B., Boss, P., Duffy, L., & Zarit, S. (1988). Behavioral problems in Alzheimer's Disease.Gerontologist, 28, 168 A.

Mortimer, J., Boss, P., Caron, W., & Horbal, J. (1992). Measurement issues in caregiver research. In B. D. Lebowitz, E. Light, & G. Niederehe (Eds.), Alzheimer's Disease and family stress (pp. 370-384). New York: Springer.

Mortimer, J., Boss, P., Caron, W., & Horbal, J. (1992). Measurement issues in caregiver research. In B. D. Lebowitz, E. Light, & G. Niederehe (Eds.), Stress effects on family caregivers of Alzheimer's patients: Research and interventions (pp. 370-384). New York: Springer.

Olson, D., & Boss, P. (1986). Reuben L. Hill: A memoriam (1912-1985). Family Process, 25(1), 1-3.

Sherman, C. W., & Boss, P. (2007). Spousal dementia caregiving in the context of late-life remarriage. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 6, 245-270.

Siegenthaler, A. L., & Boss, P. (1998). Commentary: A feminist perspective on the issue of neutrality in therapy: Neutrality can be hazardous to the clients' health. Contemporary Family Therapy, 20, 333-340.

Tubbs, C. Y., & Boss, P. (2000). An essay for practitioners: Dealing with ambiguous loss. Family Relations, 49(3), 285-286.

Weiner, J. P., & Boss, P. (1985). Exploring gender bias against women: Ethics for marriage and family therapy. Counseling and Values, 30(1), 9-23.

Wiens, T. W., & Boss, P. (2005). Maintaining family resilience before, during and after military separation. In C. Castro, A. Adler, & T. Britt (Eds.), Military life: The psychology of serving in peace and combat (Vol. 3): The military family (pp. 13-38). Westport, CT: Praeger Security International.