Authored by Dr. Boss


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Category: Book Reviews

Boss, P. (1976). [Review of the book The future of sexual relations by A. Francoeur & R. Francoeur.] Journal of Marriage and the Family, 38(1), 196-197.

Boss, P. (1979). Closing the distance between child and family researchers:The task continues. [Review of the book Child influences on marital and family lnteraction: A lifespan perspective by R. M. Lerner & G. B. Spanier.] Contemporary Psychology, 24(12), 1029-1031.

Boss, P. (1980). [Review of the book Small futures by R. DeLone.] Journal of Home Economics, 72(4).

Boss, P. (1987). [Review of the book Facing shame by M. Fossum & M. Mason.] Readings 2(2), 29. New York: American Orthopsychiatric Association.

Boss, P. (1989). [Review of the book A feminist legacy by Karen Horney.] American FamilyTherapy Association Newsletter. Washington DC: American Family Therapy Association.

Boss, P. (1991). [Review of the book Backstage domains by Regina Bandix.] Play and Culture, 4, 80-83.