Authored by Dr. Boss


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Category: Forewords and Prefaces

Boss, P. (1986). Preface. In P. W. Dail & R. H. Jewson (Eds.), In praise of 50 years: The Groves conference on the conservation of marriage and family. Lake Mills, IA: Graphic.

Boss, P. (2001). Preface. Not all is lost when the heart stops. In Living in the presence of grief by Dorothy Becvar. New York: Guilford.

Boss, P. ( 2005). Foreword. In V. L. Bengtson, A. C. Acock, K . R. Allen, P. Dilworth-Anderson, & D. M. Klein (Eds.), Sourcebook on family theory and research (pp. xv-xvi). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Boss, P. (2016). Foreword: The paradox of self-care. Arizona Geriatrics Society Journal, 22(2), 4-5.