Interviews with Dr. Boss


Interviews, Podcasts, Presentations

Why You Shouldn't Look for "Closure" While Grieving

This Matters, Daily News Podcast, Toronto Star. Saba Eitizaz interviews Dr. Boss

Getting on with Post-Pandemic Life and Not Waiting for Closure

Jefferson Public Radio, Ashland, OR; Geoffrey Rile, Host, The Jefferson Exchange

Ambiguous Loss & Pauline Boss

Our MBC (Metastic Breast Cancer) Podcast; Lisa Ludico, Host.

Interview with Pauline Boss

Happy Hour with Jonna & Keryl, K104.7 Radio. Interview starts at 17:00.

Uncertainty, anxiety, mourning. . . . How to deal with the effects of two years of the COVID-19 epidemic on our mental health?

Franceinfo. Valentine Pasquesoone, Interviews

Life Gets Real: Dr. Pauline Boss

Life Gets Real with Ann Reed Podcast.

Pauline Boss - Coping with Loss

Duncan Gammi, host of the podcast dunc tank, interviews Dr. Boss.

The Sunday Read: "What if There's No Such Thing as Closure?"

The Sunday Read Podcast, The Daily, New York Times. Original article appeared in The New York Times Magazine, December 15, 2021.

When Facing Loss, Embrace Change and Don't Force Closure, A Therapist Urges

Graison Dangor, NPR, interviews Pauline Boss.

The Future of Aging? Here's What 3 Influencers in Aging Say

Richard Eisenberg, Next Avenue, interviews Pauline Boss, PhD, a 2021 Next Avenue Influencer in Aging.

Next Avenue Influencers in Aging

Richard Eisenberg, Next Avenue, interviews Pauline Boss, PhD, a 2021 Influencer in Aging, sponsored by the 2021 Century Summit in collaboration with the Stanford Center on Longevity. Dr. Boss interview begins at 2:32.25.

Applying Ambiguous Loss Theory to Torture Survivors: A Conversation with Pauline Boss

Presentation by Pauline Boss, PhD, sponsored by the Center for Victims of Torture.

Stress and Resilience During Tough Times

Professor Emeritus Pauline Boss discusses the stress of losses—both clear, such as a loved one’s death, and those that are ambiguous, such as not being able to be on campus or see friends. This event was part of the Scholar Spotlight series, sponsored by the College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota.

Duet Family Caregiver Event: Guilt, Grief, and Guideposts with Dr. Pauline Boss and Kathy Ritchie

Duet: Partners In Health & Aging brings back Dr. Pauline Boss and Kathy Ritchie for a virtual family caregiver event to offer help and hope to family caregivers. Dr. Pauline Boss explains why feelings of guilt are likely to be part of a caregiver's normal grief process and offers guideposts for resilience and moving forward despite ambiguous loss. She also shares ideas from her latest book, The Myth of Closure: Ambiguous Loss in a Time of Pandemic and Change (to be released in mid-December 2021 by W. W. Norton). Journalist Kathy Ritchie has reported extensively on multiple aspects of caregiving. Currently, she is an editor for Next Avenue, a digital publication focusing on aging adults 50 plus.

Ambiguous Loss in a Time of Pandemic with Pauline Boss

Alzheimer's Speaks Radio, Lori La Bey, Host